If you know your Microbian geography, you'll probably know that Bonuslocus (good place) is a lot across the street from the Government House. With the assistantance of a citizen, proudly owning a swiss army knife, we managed to chop down a tree and sharpen it into a worthy spear. Of course it is not of any use except for being cosmetic but its ash-stained handle looks pretty cool. Bonuslocus could have much use in the future.


It's the end of the holidays, and here in Microbia we have just finished Christmas and New Year's Eve. You should've seen Miroom, as two house (including the government house) battled for firework supremecy. The place was a battlefield. Anyways, Christmas was extremely profitable; gifts I recieved can assist the continuing growth of the UMS. These include a non-ink-hog printer and an advanced drone for my military. With the new printer I have printed out legions of flags and citizenship applications. With some relatives over I got my first officially registered citizens. I hope that everyone had as good of holidays as the president did!

Congratulations Microbians, after reaquiring independent states like Olmania and Justell, the president is proud to present the new official population. 264! This is ten times the size of Molossia, and shows us quickly approaching the smallest country at 800 some. With Thanksgiving coming, I'm looking forward to finishing the year with a bang. My goal is 300 
With school back in session, I have made many new friends, some which have formed countries. This kicks our population up to 90.
Yesterday, Honor Bonded with the neighboring undefined state and then proceeded to invade 2 houses and increased Honor's population to 48
A few weeks ago the President expanded his capital state of Honer (HONE-ER) by invading a vacant lot nearby microbian territory. With the addition of a friend, the president was able to invade a large foresty area and the end of the street. Work began inside the empty lot I had previously invaded. There was some trees which we were able to tear down with a hammer and shovel. In the near future the wood will be used to construct minor infrastructure. After some scavenging around the government house, we found vital resources to our expansion such as string and aluminum foil. I will keep the public notified ab